Our Articles
Nelly Apo
God promised Abraham he would give him a son but after many years the promise had not manifested. As the years went by the situation looked impossible because Abraham was growing old and his wife, Sarah’s body was getting weaker. Despite the hopelessness of their situation Abraham still believed God will deliver on the promise. What is God’s promise to you in the area of your health, family, career, ministry, business? What are you believing God for and what word have you received from the Lord for 2021? I encourage you to hold on to that promise and word because God cannot lie. You may be facing a hopeless situation and asking yourself is it possible? Your business may be at the verge of collapsing, your marriage may be failing, that health condition may be getting worse, doctors may have told you it is impossible to have a child but believe the word of the Lord and his promises. Like Abraham, hope against hope amid any contrary situation you may be facing.
Our faith in God that he will do what he promises must be strong and resolute. Abraham was not weak in faith. Why was he not weak in faith? Because he did not consider the hopelessness of their condition and present circumstance: how dead his body was and the deadness of Sarah’s womb. If you begin to think and consider your present situation and how impossible the promise may seem, your faith in God’s promise will be weakened. God knows how to bring his word to pass, don’t try to figure out how he’s going to do it. Instead of meditating on the hopeless situation and asking how God will honour his word to you, focus on the promise. In 2 Kings 7:1- 2, the King’s assistant was considering the current circumstance and how impossible it was for the word they had received to come to pass. That put him in a state of unbelief. The word was fulfilled but he did not live to enjoy the blessing because of his faithlessness.
We can strengthen our faith by considering past victories and testimonies the Lord has given us. Think about how God healed you or a friend from that life threatening illness, think about how he delivered you from that accident that would have ended your life, think about how he took care of you when you had nothing and think of how far he has brought you. If he did all this then let your faith be strengthened that whatever he has promised you, he will also do. In 1 Samuel 17:34-37, David declared his testimonies ahead of his fight with Goliath, he recounted how God gave him strength to kill the bear and the lion. I believe this reinforced his faith in God. I encourage you not to focus on your present circumstance but rather on the testimonies and past victories God has given you. Write them down, meditate on them and the truth that God is good and faithful, and this will strengthen your faith.
Our obedience to God is a demonstration of our faith in him and his word. God chooses how to deliver on his promises to us. Sometimes he gives us instructions and it is in our obedience to these instructions that we see the manifestation of his promises in our lives. In some cases, the instructions we receive through his word or by the leading of the Holy Spirit may not make sense to us nor the people around but we still have to obey. In John 2:1-10, Jesus’ first miracle, Mary advised the disciples to do whatever Jesus told them do. It was in their obedience to Jesus’ instruction that the water they were serving turned to wine. In Luke 5:4-6, Peter and his colleagues had a net breaking catch after obeying Jesus’ instruction to launch into the deep and let down their nets for a catch.
God is faithful and has the ability and capacity to deliver on every promise he has made to you. Just as the father of faith, Abraham received God’s promise despite how hopeless his situation seemed, God will fulfill every promise and word he has given you. Believe in hope against hope, do not allow your challenges or current condition to weaken your faith, recount and focus on past victories and testimonies and be obedient to the Lord’s instructions. The Lord will honour his word in your life.
Let us all stand strong in faith, never giving up and we will see the manifestation of God’s promises in our lives.
Memory Verse: Hebrews 11:6
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to Him must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
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Faith - The victory that Overcomes
Nelly Apo
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The Joy of Plants
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COVID-19 Safety Practices
Medical Committee
Don't Just Sit There! Start CURCUMIN!
Tiwaah Gyapong
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