Our Articles
Nana Yaa Mbrokoh (nee Agyeman)
Published on Feb 2021
What is Lifestyle? Simply put your Way of Life.
To have a fulfilled lifestyle is both spiritual and physical.
Irrespective of your religion (Christianity or Muslim) when ever one is involved with activities of what they believes in, he/she gets fulfilled which improves their lifestyle.
Irrespective of your religion (Christianity or Muslim) when ever one is involved with activities of what they believes in, he/she gets fulfilled which improves their lifestyle.
For example, a person who believes in Christianity will pray to God, sing Christian songs, listen to Christian Broadcast, fellowship with other Christians and practice the do's and don'ts of Christianity which guides, moulds and makes one fulfilled in the religion. Same applies to other religions.
Know that our beliefs form about 60% of our lifestyle.
Physical lifestyle begins at the point when an individual is able to identify who he/she is. That begins with knowing how your body works which forms about 40% control of your lifestyle.
Knowing how your body works helps one to choose their career path, sporting activities, type of food and time to eat, caliber of friends to have or groups to join etc. and manage temperament.
Sometimes individuals as we are, we may think we can be anywhere at anytime or join clubs or groups that our peers are in but one needs know their lifestyle to make such informed decisions.
If you know yourself very well or identify yourself very well and create a suitable lifestyle pattern even at your pension age you can still enjoy a fulfilled lifestyle.
Your lifestyle influence your environment, it can have positive or negative effects on people around you and even on parent/guardian. Therefore it is important to have Me time as part of our daily/weekly routine for self reflection and amendments.
However, though we might have missed as we grew up, it is still not late to reconsider in your forties going forward the kind of Positive lifestyle your want.
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