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Tiwaah Gyapong (nee Wuo Asare)
Published on Apr 2021
We all know a friend of a friend who does essential oils, but are we fully aware of its numerous uses and benefits? I am continuously astonished by how it has treated so many illnesses and improved many aspects of people’s health including mine. According to Doterra.com, “Essential oils are the essence of a plant, a gift from the earth, distilled and prepared for you to bring the power of nature into your home”. They are simply put, plant extracts. Inside many plants (hidden in their roots or seeds or flowers or bark) are concentrated, highly potent chemical compounds. These natural compounds are essential oils. Essential oils are what gives a plant its scent, guard it from hazardous environmental conditions, and help it with pollination, etc.
Aromatic - This is the most familiar way and easiest way. Simply open the bottle and breathe in the aroma through the nose. Or, place a drop in the hands, rub them together, and then cup them around the nose and mouth. Diffusing the oil is also another way of breathing in the aroma. Maybe you visited a gym and was fascinated by the energizing smell of peppermint. Now you can learn how to get the benefits of essential oils by diffusing their aroma.
Topical - This is when it's applied directly to the skin. Or, it can also be combined with a carrier oil (for dilution) and applied to the skin. It can be dangerous to use some essential oils directly on the skin without diluting it, ex Oregano. I will share my story another day :)
Internal - Just as we eat our fresh veggies, use our leaves for tea, or for cooking to improve the flavor, essential oils can also be ingested for the same reasons. Please, beware that one drop of essential oil can contain hundreds of compound constituents and is very potent.
As we continuously strive to expand our knowledge on health and wellness, here are five essential oils I recommend you have in your home, and a few of its uses/benefits:
Lavender: This is known as a calming oil. It is gentle enough to be applied directly to the skin. Apply lavender essential oil to a burn to soothe it and possibly speed up the healing process. Lavender and Chamomile oil are known to be effective at reducing stress, therefore naturally lowering cortisol levels. It can be used aromatically or topically to relieve stress, anxiety and insomnia.
Frankincense: It can be moderately hot on the skin depending on which part of the body you put it on. Let me just say....do NOT put it around the eyes without diluting it. To help with Sciatica, apply frankincense (dilute to cover more surface area) over the affected area. It can also be taken internally in a capsule (I only know of veggie capsules) to reduce inflammation, or put a drop under the tongue. Apply it with lavender for sunburns. To support immune function, it can be ingested in a capsule or applied on the bottoms of feet.
Peppermint: This may need to be diluted when used topically. It helps to improve alertness when inhaled by applying topically under the nose and/or back of the neck. To help with digestive discomfort or nausea, take internally in a capsule or cup of water, apply topically (dilute with a carrier oil) over the abdomen, or inhale.
Tea Tree oil: It is also known as Melaleuca. It has anti fungal and anti viral properties. To fight acne, Dr Axe suggests that you mix 2-4 drops of tea tree oil with a teaspoon of manuka honey or raw local honey, rub it on the skin, and leave it on for about two minutes and then rinse it off. Place a few drops on a fresh cut, scrape or wound to kill bacteria and reduce inflammation.It presents powerful antimicrobial activity that can kill off bad bacteria in your home. To make a homemade tea tree oil cleanser, mix 5–10 drops of tea tree with water, vinegar and 5–10 drops of lemon essential oil.
Eucalyptus: This is one of the main ingredients in our Ghana Rub. This essential oil will help to boost your immune system, protect you from a variety of infections and relieve respiratory conditions. Diffuse eucalyptus or apply topically to help with breathing easily when your nose is stuffy and runny. It is also known to help with Malaria by diffusing it aromatically, or applying it to bottoms of feet or along the spine. For muscle pain, dilute it and gently massage over the area.
A quality supplier will sell their essential oils in a tightly sealed dark (usually amber) glass bottle. The most common size is a half ounce (15 milliliters).
Read the labelIt should clearly state the common and the Latin name of the plant used to make the oil. It should also state what plant parts were used, how it was extracted, and how it was grown (aka organic, wild-crafted, traditional). The label should also specify that it is “100 percent pure essential oil” and list the net contents (including metric measurement). The label should clearly list all ingredients in the formula, and if you’re shopping for a pure EO, it should have only one ingredient.
Verify the sourceThe label should mention the country of origin, and if not, you might see a “lot#,” which you can then look up. If you’re buying from a website, it should state where the oil is from on the product page, even if the individual bottles may not (simply because labels can be quite small).
As with any holistic medicine, please consult your general practitioner before using essential oils.
Reference Sources: Doterra.com, Youngliving.com , Draxe.com , Greatist.com , The Essential Life, Healthline.com , Medicalnewstoday.com
May this information embolden us all to research more on Essential Oils and embrace the use of oils for a healthier living!!!
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